Hello guys,
As an introduction of this site we will start with showing some inspiration sources. There are a lot of sources like magazines and pages on the internet. People have even made their job out of photography. It's one of the most popular things on earth. Can you imagine how many pictures there are on Earth?
For a background or profile picture people search for pictures usually on the internet. Nothing is easier and faster than surfing on the internet and easily find thousands of pictures! There are special sites where you can found for example Facebook cover photo's. Some popular ones:
- https://www.myfbcoverphoto.com/
- https://www.firstcovers.com/
- https://www.trendycovers.com/
Furthermore, you can fins on the internet whole pages with all sort of photo stuff on it. You can even share your favourite pictures! 2 Examples are https://www.weheartit.com/ and https://www.https://pinterest.com/ . Try it and find it out!
Another source are the magazines. People read them, look for the pictures, think WOW and start experimenting. There are different things you can photograph. For instance, portraits, landscapes and animals. You can't be a fantastic photographer if you have made your first 100 pictures. It's all about experimenting and having the right equipment. That's the only reason why the pictures in magazines look gorgeous. There are special magazines were they teach you how to photograph and give tips.